Every adult over the age of 65 — no matter how healthy and independent you currently are — should start thinking about Advance Care Planning. This includes filling out important documents called Advance Directives. These documents let your loved ones and your health care team know about the care you […]
Daily Archives: April 4, 2022
3 posts
A health care proxy (also sometimes called an agent or surrogate) is the person you name in your Medical Powerof Attorney document to make decisions about your care only when you cannot speak for yourself. Choose a trusted adult relative or friend, your lawyer or someone from your social or […]
Approximately 1.5 cups. Serves 2. Ingredients 1 cup low-fat milk ½ cup non-fat Greek yogurt 1 cup spinach 1 banana 1 cup frozen mixed berries, do not defrost Directions Combine all ingredients in a blender and purée until completely smooth, pausing to scrape the sides as necessary. Serve immediately. NUTRITIONAL […]